Fathers Day: No time to shop yet? You don’t necessarily need gifts

Saturday afternoon already, you haven’t had the time to shop yet?

This Father’s Day he might not want another tie, a fancy smart phone or a book on cricket—what he really wants is to spend some time with you.

You do not have to buy him a gift every year. Show your appreciation with your love and affection.

This Father’s Day, grab a bottle of his favorite liquor or spirits, mix up a batch of cool cocktails, and cling glasses with your pop. He is bound to love this.


If your dad is a scotch lover, I’m sure you will have that bottle of scotch at home. So now what compliments Whisky the best, a bottle of Vermouth will do just fine. From the Perfect Manhattan to the Rob Roys, we are sure he will love this.

If he prefers vodka try the most simplistic screw drivers, caipirojka’s, bloody mary’s, cosmopolitans you can try it all. It can also just be a bottle of wine.

And don’t forget to raise a toast for dad and make him feel special in presence of family and friends.

Here’s how:
Rob Roy: 

Made with scotch it inclines on the sweeter end of the spectrum. Make sure you buy the sweet red vermouth.

Scotch Whisky 25 ml
Sweet Red Vermouth 25 ml
Angostura Bitters if you wish

Shake the ingredients well with ice, and strain into a cocktail glass. Add a dash of the Angostura bitters if you wish, we leave that to your discretion. Your tongue should have the last say here. Enjoy

Learn to make your cocktails at http://www.barbrigade.co.in/course.aspx join our exclusive bar and beverage management course for just Rs 4,000/- You will learn it all, its never too late.

By next year you could be making a host of expert cocktails for dad, and wont it make him proud.